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顾兵——教授 科主任


        医学博士、教授、博士研究生导师,永乐高ylg官网检验科主任、学科带头人。美国普渡大学及UCLA访问学者,国家重点研发计划首席科学家、广东省“珠江人才计划”领军人才、江苏省“科教强卫”医学重点人才、“333工程”人才、“六大人才高峰”人才、“六个一工程”高层次卫生人才。全国检验医学专家国际论文学术影响力排名第三十五,现担任中国人体科技健康促进会临床微生物与感染精准检验专委会主委、中国医学装备协会检验医学分会副会长兼秘书长、中国医师协会检验医师分会委员、中华医学会检验分会青委会委员、广州国家实验室科技成果转移转化专家库专家、广东省临床基因检测质控中心主任、广东省医院协会微生物与临床感染专委会主委、广东省卫生经济学会检验经济分会会长、第三届国家人间传染的病原微生物实验室生物安全评审专家委员会委员、国家自然科学基金一审专家、AME学术沙龙总负责人。J Lab Precis Med执行主编,SCI期刊J Thorac Dis编委,Annals of Infection主编。

        主要从事感染性疾病快速检测新技术与耐药菌感染防控研究,主持国家科技部重点研发计划2项、国家自然科学基金5项、省部级课题8项;参与国家科技部重点研发计划1项。以第一或通迅作者发表论文212篇,其中在Lancet Microbe、Nat Commun、Nucleic Acid Research、Emerg Infect Dis、Biosens Bioelectron、Gut Microbes、Emerg Microbes Infect等本领域权威期刊发表SCI论文141篇,其中JCR1区论文80篇,JCR2区论文32篇,中科院1区论文31篇,10分以上16篇,累计影响因子734分,在中华级期刊发表论文17篇,H-index为35,被引频次总计5340余次;编写学术专著与教材41部,其中主编及副主编18部;参编行业指南专家共识16项,团体标准6项;获授权专利10项;获江苏省科学技术奖二等奖1项、江苏省医学科技奖三等奖1项、江苏省医学新技术引进奖6项。



        1. 国家重点研发计划“生物安全关键技术研究”重点专项2023年度创新特区项目(2023YFC2606200):高致病性病原体痕量检测甄别技术与便携设备研发,2023.11.01-2025.10.31,500万元,在研;

        2. 国家重点研发计划“公共安全风险防控与应急技术装备”重点专项新冠肺炎应急项目(2022YFC0870100):新冠病毒变异株快速检测新技术及便携设备研发,2022.11.01-2023.10.31,150万元,已结题;

        3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(82272423):基于微针-SERS的分支杆菌多重快速检测新方法构建和应用,2023.01-2026.12,52万元,在研;

        4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(82072380):基于SERS指纹检测和深度学习的肠道致病菌快速精准检测新技术研究,2021.01-2024.12,55万元,在研;

        5. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(81871734):SERS指纹谱用于志贺菌鉴定及喹诺酮药敏的快速检测新技术研究,2019.01-2022.12,57万元,已结题;

        6. 国家重点研发计划“公共安全风险防控与应急技术装备”重点专项(2020YFC0848100):基于新冠感染排毒规律、免疫水平的检测策略研究,2020.06-2020.11,第二负责人,37万元,已结题;

        7. 江苏省重点研发计划(社会发展)项目(BE2020646):SERS指纹谱用于CRE快速鉴定与药敏的新技术研究,2021.01-2023.12,50万元,已结题。 


        1. Wang C*, Yu Q, Zheng S, Shen W, Li J, Xu C, Gu B*. Phenylboronic Acid-Modified Membrane-Like Magnetic Quantum Dots Enable the Ultrasensitive and Broad-Spectrum Detection of Viruses by Lateral Flow Immunoassay. ACS Nano. 2024 Jul 2;18(26):16752-16765. (中科院一区, IF 15.8)

        2. Si Y#, Xiong X#, Wang J#, Yuan Q, Li Y, Tang J, Li Y, Zhang X, Li Z, Lai J, Umar Z, Yang WX, Li F*, Wang L*, Gu B*. Identification of chronic non-atrophic gastritis and intestinal metaplasia stages in the Correa's cascade through machine learning analyses of SERS spectral signature of non-invasively-collected human gastric fluid samples. Biosensors & Bioelectronics. 2024 Jun 26;262:116530. (中科院一区, IF 10.7)

        3. Zhang D, Tian B, Ling Y, Ye L, Xiao M, Yuan K, Zhang X, Zheng G, Li X, Zheng J, Liao Y*, Shu B*, Gu B*. CRISPR/Cas12a-Powered Amplification-Free RNA Diagnostics by Integrating T7 Exonuclease-Assisted Target Recycling and Split G-Quadruplex Catalytic Signal Output. Analytical Chemistry. 2024 Jun 25;96(25):10451-10458. (中科院一区, IF 6.7)

        4. Yang H#, Wu X#, Li X#, Zang W, Zhou Z, Zhou Y, Cui W, Kou Y, Wang L, Hu A, Wu L, Yin Z, Chen Q, Chen Y, Huang Z, Wang Y*, Gu B*. A commensal protozoan attenuates Clostridioides difficile pathogenesis in mice via arginine-ornithine metabolism and host intestinal immune response. Nature communications. 2024 Apr 2;15(1):2842.(中科院一区, IF 14.7)

        5. Wang L#, Li ZK#, Tay CY*, Marshall BJ*, Gu B*. Multicentre, cross-sectional surveillance of Helicobacter pylori prevalence and antibiotic resistance to clarithromycin and levofloxacin in urban China using the string test coupled with quantitative PCR. Lancet Microbe. 2024 Jun;5(6):e512-e513.(中科院一区, IF 20.9)

        6. Xiao Y#, Luo S#, Qiu J, Zhang Y, Liu W, Zhao Y, Zhu Y, Deng Y, Lu M, Liu S, Lin Yong, Huang A, Wang W, Hu X*, Gu B*. Highly sensitive SERS platform for pathogen analysis by cyclic DNA nanostructure@AuNP tags and cascade primer exchange reaction. Journal of Nanobiotechnology. 2024 Feb 26;22(1):75.(中科院一区, IF 10.6)

        7. Zheng S#, Xia X#, Tian BS#, Xu CY, Zhang T, Wang S*, Wang CW*, Gu B*. Dual-color MoS2@QD nanosheets mediated dual-mode lateral flow immunoassay for flexible and ultrasensitive detection of multiple drug residues. Sensors and Actuators: B-Chemical. 2024 Mar 15:403:135142. (中科院一区, IF 8)

        8. Li J, Shen W, Liang X, Zheng S, Yu Q, Wang C*, Wang C*, Gu B*. 2D Film-Like Magnetic SERS Tag with Enhanced Capture and Detection Abilities for Immunochromatographic Diagnosis of Multiple Bacteria. Small. 2024 Jan 9:e2310014. (中科院一区, IF 13)

        9. Liu X#, Fu B#, Chen J#, Sun Z, Zheng D, Li Z, Gu B*, Zhang Y*, Lu H*. High-throughput intact Glycopeptide quantification strategy with targeted-MS (HTiGQs-target) reveals site-specific IgG N-glycopeptides as biomarkers for hepatic disorder diagnosis and staging. Carbohydrate polymers. 2024 Feb 1;325:121499. (中科院一区, IF 10.7)

        10. Liu X, Li J, Zhang Z, He Y, Wang M, Zhao Y, Lin S, Liu T, Liao Y, Zhang N, Yuan K, Ling Y, Liu Z, Chen X, Chen Z, Chen R, Wang X*, Gu B*. Acetylation of xenogeneic silencer H-NS regulates biofilm development through the nitrogen homeostasis regulator in Shewanella. Nucleic Acids Research. 2023 Dec 24:gkad1219. (中科院二区, IF 16.6)

        11. Liang T#, Jiang T#, Liang Z#, Zhang N, Dong B*, Wu Q*, Gu B*. Carbohydrate-active enzyme profiles of Lactiplantibacillus plantarum strain 84-3 contribute to flavor formation in fermented dairy and vegetable products. Food chemistry: X. 2023 Nov 25;20:101036. (中科院一区, IF 6.5)

        12. Yu Q#, Wu T#, Tian B#, Li J, Liu Y, Wu Z, Jin X, Wang C*, Wang C*, Gu B*. Recent advances in SERS-based immunochromatographic assay for pathogenic microorganism diagnosis: A review. Analytica Chimica Acta. 2023 Oct 18. 341931. (中科院一区 IF 5.7)

        13. Jiang Y#, Hu X#, Fan S#, Liu W, Chen J, Wang L, Deng Q, Yang J, Yang A, Lou Z, Guan Y, Xia H*, Gu B*. RVFScan predicts virulence factor genes and hypervirulence of the clinical metagenome. Briefings In Bioinformatics. 2023 Sep 22;24(6):bbad403. (中科院一区, IF 6.8)

        14. Tian B#, Wang Y#, Tang W, Chen J, Zhang J, Xue S, Zheng S, Cheng G*, Gu B*, Chen M*. Tandem CRISPR nucleases-based lateral flow assay for amplification-free miRNA detection via the designed "locked RNA/DNA" as fuels. Talanta. 2023 Jul 28;266(Pt 1):124995. (中科院一区, IF 5.6)

        15. Yu Q#, Li J#, Zheng S, Xia X, Xu C, Wang C*, Wang C*, Gu B*. Molybdenum disulfide-loaded multilayer AuNPs with colorimetric-SERS dual-signal enhancement activities for flexible immunochromatographic diagnosis of monkeypox virus. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2023 Oct 459:132136. (中科院一区, IF 12.2)

        16. Wang C, Yu Q, Li J, Zheng S, Wang S*, Gu B*. Colorimetric–fluorescent dual-signal enhancement immunochromatographic assay based on molybdenum disulfide-supported quantum dot nanosheets for the point-of-care testing of monkeypox virus. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2023 Sept 472:144889. (中科院一区, IF 13.3)

        17. Hong R, Luo L, Wang L, Hu ZL, Yin QR, Li M, Gu B, Wang B, Zhuang T, Zhang XY, Zhou Y, Wang W, Huang LY, Gu B, Qi SH. Lepidium meyenii Walp (Maca)-derived extracellular vesicles ameliorate depression by promoting 5-HT synthesis via the modulation of gut-brain axis. Imeta. 2023 Jun 4;2(3):e116.(暂无中科院分区, IF 23.7)

        18. Yi M#, Gong Y#, Zhan Q#, Dai Y, Yang T, Cheng X, Ding S, Gu B*, Cheng W*, Zhang D*. A one-pot CRISPR-Cas12a-based toolbox enables determination of terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase activity for acute leukemia screening. Analytica Chimica Acta. 2023 May 8;1254:341115. (中科院一区, IF 5.7)

        19. Xiao Y#, Liu W#, Zhang Y, Zheng S, Liao J, Shan H, Tian B, Wu T, Zhang L, Tu Z, Hua Y, Gu B*, Hu X*. Simple and rapid co-freezing construction of SERS signal probes for the sensitive detection of pathogens. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2023 Apr 20:143066. (中科院一区, IF 13.3)

        20. Gu F#, Hu S#, Tian B#, Ma T, Xu Y*, Yang Y*, Gu B*. Intelligent diagnostic system for Cryptococcus: Switch-controllable nanocatcher and CNN-based artificial intelligence. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2023 Apr 3:142674. (中科院一区, IF 13.3)

        21. Lyu J#, Zhang X#, Tang J#, Zhao Y, Liu S, Zhao Y, Zhang N, Wang D, Ye L, Chen L, Wang L*, Gu B*. Rapid Prediction of Multidrug-Resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae through Deep Learning Analysis of SERS Spectra. Microbiology Spectrum. 2023 Mar 6;11(2):e0412622.(中科院一区,IF 3.7)

        22. Wang W#, Yu Q#, Zheng S#, Li J, Wu T, Wang S*, Wang C*, Gu B*. Ultrasensitive and simultaneous monitoring of multiple small-molecula pollutants on an immunochromatographic strip with multilayered film-like fluorescent tags. Science of the total environment. 2023 Mar 21;878:162968.(中科院一区, IF 8.2)

        23. Xu Y, Gu F, Hu S, Wu Y, Wu C, Deng Y, Gu B*, Chen Z*, Yang Y*. A cell wall-targeted organic-inorganic hybrid nano-catcher for ultrafast capture and SERS detection of invasive fungi. Biosensors Bioelectronics. 2023 Feb 23;228:115173.(中科院一区, IF 12.545)

        24. Liu X#, Wang K#, Chen J#, Lyu J, Li J, Chen Q, Lin Y, Tian B, Song H*, Li P*, Gu B*. Clonal Spread of Carbapenem-Resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae Sequence Type 11 in Chinese Pediatric Patients. Microbiology Spectrum. 2022 Dec 11; 10(6):e0191922. (中科院一区,IF 3.7)

        25. Wang L#, Tang JW#, Li F#, Usman M, Wu CY, Liu QH, Kang HQ, Liu W, Gu B. Identification of Bacterial Pathogens at Genus and Species Levels through Combination of Raman Spectrometry and Deep-Learning Algorithms. Microbiology Spectrum. 2022 Oct 31:e0258022. (中科院一区,IF 3.7)

        26. Wang W#, Yang X#, Rong Z#, Tu Z, Zhang X, Gu B*, Wang C*, Wang S*. Introduction of graphene oxide-supported multilayer-quantum dots nanofilm into multiplex lateral flow immunoassay: A rapid and ultrasensitive point-of-care testing technique for multiple respiratory viruses. Nano Research. 2022 Oct 22. 2023;16(2):3063-3073. (中科院一区, IF 9.5)

        27. Wang C*, Wang C, Li J, Tu Z, Gu B*, Wang S*. Ultrasensitive and multiplex detection of four pathogenic bacteria on a bi-channel lateral flow immunoassay strip with three-dimensional membrane-like SERS nanostickers. Biosensors & Bioelectronics. 2022 July 4, 2022.114525. (中科院一区, IF 10.7)

        28. Liu W, Tang J, Lyu J, Wang J, Pan Y, Shi X, Liu Q, Zhang X, Gu B*, Wang L*. Discrimination between Carbapenem-Resistant and Carbapenem-Sensitive Klebsiella pneumoniae Strains through Computational Analysis of Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectra: a Pilot Study. Microbiology Spectrum. 2022; 2:e0240921. (中科院一区,IF 3.7)

        29. Cheng S#, Tu Z#, Zheng S, Cheng X, Han H, Wang C*, Xiao R*, Gu B*. An efficient SERS platform for the ultrasensitive detection of Staphylococcus aureus and Listeria monocytogenes via wheat germ agglutinin-modified magnetic SERS substrate and streptavidin/aptamer co-functionalized SERS tags. Analytica Chimica Acta. 2021; 339155. (中科院一区, IF 5.7)

        30. Wang C*, Yang X, Gu B*, Liu H, Zhou Z, Shi L, Cheng X, Wang S*. Sensitive and Simultaneous Detection of SARS-CoV-2-Specific IgM/IgG Using Lateral Flow Immunoassay Based on Dual-Mode Quantum Dot Nanobeads. Analytical Chemistry. 2020; 92(23):15542-9. (中科院一区,IF 6.7)

        31. Hou T#, Zeng W#, Yang M#, Chen W#, Ren L, Ai J, Wu J, Liao Y, Gou X, Li Y, Wang X, Su H, Gu B*, Wang J*, Xu T*. Development and evaluation of a rapid CRISPR-based diagnostic for COVID-19. PLoS Pathogens. 2020; 16(8):e1008705. (中科院一区, IF 5.5)

        32. Cai R, Cheng C, Chen J, Xu X, Ding C*, Gu B*. Interactions of commensal and pathogenic microorganisms with the mucus layer in the colon. Gut Microbes. 2020; 29:1-11. (中科院一区, IF 12.2)



        1. 发明专利:检测感染性心内膜炎病原体的引物及数字PCR试剂盒(ZL202210211896.2),顾兵 简旭华 胡雪姣 赵云虎 周茂华 王维腾 甘礼溪 陈欧迪 张鑫强,中华人民共和国国家知识产权局,授权公告日:2023.07.21

        2. 发明专利:一种鼠抗MPT32蛋白杂交瘤细胞株13B12、基于其的单克隆抗体及其应用(ZL202210152434.8),胡雪姣 顾兵 李靖 孙万阳 何皓 孟玥 肖云菊 凌勇 周典蓉 刘伟江 廖建枫 李智椋 翟文康,中华人民共和国国家知识产权局,授权公告日:2023.01.31

        3. 发明专利:基于液滴PCR的东方恙虫定量检测试剂盒(ZL202210211687.8),顾兵 胡雪姣 赵云虎 刘素玲 周晖 张莉滟 凌勇 张鑫强,中华人民共和国国家知识产权局,授权公告日:2023.01.20;

        4. 发明专利:一种利用拉曼散射鉴别新生隐球菌和格特隐球菌的方法(ZL201911200173.7),杨英 顾兵 胡珊 顾锋 杨健 王升启,中华人民共和国国家知识产权局,授权公告日:2023.01.17;

        5. 发明专利:一种苦瓜外泌体及其提取方法与应用(ZL202010090819.7),齐素华 顾兵 蔡恒 黄琳燕 王彦玲,中华人民共和国国家知识产权局,授权公告日:2021.09.14;

        6. 发明专利:苦瓜外泌体的提取方法及其在制备抗肿瘤药物中的应用(ZL202010090930.6),齐素华 马萍 王斌 顾兵 王婉,中华人民共和国国家知识产权局,授权公告日:2021.09.14;

        7. 发明专利:一种乳酸菌BJ-REB0RN001及其在制备抑制幽门螺旋杆菌的发酵液种的应用(ZL201911232282.7),朱同山 曹军 顾兵 赵树立 张建荣,中华人民共和国国家知识产权局,授权公告日:2020.09.29;

        8. 软件著作权:学术会议实名制签到系统V1.0(2020SR0344318),胡珊 顾兵 袁翔宇 顾锋 周愿 程斯运,中华人民共和国国家版权局,授权公告日:2019.10.18;