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Yuanhan Chen/M.D., Associate Chief physician, Master supervisor, Secretary of the internal medicine of Guangdong Provincial People’s Hospital


Clinical Interests:Cardio-renal syndrome, acute kidney injury, podocyte injury and proteinuria, big data mining for renal disease

Experience:Internal physician since2000; major in nephrology since 2005; One grant from National Natural Science Foundation of China

Education:Master’s degree in 2009; Doctoral degree in 2019.

Awards and Honors:Guangdong Province Outstanding Young Medical Talent; Provincial Science and Technology Award of Guangdong

Professional memberships:Member of Blood Purification Committee of Chinese Research Hospital Association; Secretary-general of the Cardiorenal Therapy Committee of Zhongguancun Nephrology& Blood Purification Innovation Alliance

Publications:100 medical publications, including 20 as first or corresponding author in SCI journals.