The First 5G Internet Hospital of Guangdong Province is Launched, Integrated Smart hospital Makes Medical Treatment Warmer

With the arrival of the new 5G infrastructure wave, the medical model of “Internet + Medical Health” has entered the 5G era! In the morning of July 19, “5G at the Guangdong Provincial People's Hospital · An Outlook into the Future, Making Healthcare Safer, More Efficient and Warmer - the Conference on the Construction Results of 5G Application Demonstration Hospital” was held at Guangdong Provincial People's Hospital. Xiaojie Qu, deputy director of the Department of Industry and Information Technology of Guangdong Province, Qingshan Geng, secretary of the party committee of Guangdong Provincial People’s Hospital, Xueqing Yu, president of the Guangdong Provincial People’s Hospital, Ming Wei, general manager of China Mobile Communications Group Guangdong Co. Ltd., Zhijiang Han, director of Planning, Development and Information Department of the Health Commission of Guangdong Province, and more than 100 authoritative experts in the medical industry attended the conference to jointly witness the significant moment for the official launch of the first new 5G Internet hospital in Guangdong Province and the first 3D hospital history museum in China. The guests participating in the conference also reviewed the array of medical AI robots, had immersive experience of the smart hospital museum, and discussed and looked forward to the innovative mode and development blueprint integrating “Internet + Medical Health”.

Xiaojie Qu, deputy director of the Department of Industry and Information Technology of Guangdong Province, said in his speech that in recent years, Guangdong Province has firmly grasped the new development opportunity of 5G, strengthened its political role, vigorously promoted the scale development of 5G, and fostered the growth of new development momentum. The medical field is an important field for 5G applications. The province of Guangdong is a populous province with great medical burden. As the aging of population and complexity of diseases evolve, the integration of 5G and the medical industry will get increasingly closer, and the information technology will definitely become an important engine to promote the digitization and intelligence of medical treatment. The Guangdong Provincial People's Hospital has always attached great importance to the construction of wise information technology of med (WITMED), and took the lead in the province to carry out 5G + WITMED application demonstration. The 5G application construction results released this time had 5G, big data, artificial intelligence and other new technologies applied to various aspects of medicine, education, research, management and service, with a number of remarkable achievements emerging and providing good practical experience for the application of 5G to industries in our province. We hope that the Guangdong Provincial People's Hospital can ride on the momentum, make further efforts and give full play to its role as the “bellwether” in the field of 5G + WITMED in the province.

Zhijiang Han, director of Planning, Development and Information Department of the Health Commission of Guangdong Province said in his speech that promoting the rapid development and widespread application of 5G and related technologies has important practical and far-reaching historical significance for China’s economic and social development. The Party Central Committee and the State Council, far-sighted as they are, have made systematic arrangements for the development and application of 5G, big data, artificial intelligence and other new-generation information technologies, and have planned a new development blueprint. As the first government-led 5G application demonstration hospital, Guangdong Provincial People's Hospital has achieved fruitful results in the extensive transformation and application of 5G new technology and the innovative development of 5G and medical health, and is at the forefront of the industry. We hope that Guangdong Provincial People's Hospital may continue to carry forward the reform spirit of pioneering and exploring on the innovative development road of Internet + Medical Health and 5G + Medical Health together with its counterparts in the province, and contribute to the construction of healthy Guangdong!

Xueqing Yu, president of the Guangdong Provincial People’s Hospital, said that as one of the first key hospitals in the construction of high-level hospitals in Guangdong Province and the first government-led 5G application demonstration hospital in China, Guangdong Provincial People's Hospital has the responsibility and obligation to take up the glorious mission of leading the new era of WITMED and actively respond to “Internet + Medical Health” development strategy of the state and Guangdong Province to truly implement “people first, health first” into every aspect of medical services. This conference is for the combined release of the construction results of online Internet hospital and offline smart hospital, which involves the implementation of medical treatment, management, culture and other terminals of the hospital. In the future, Guangdong Provincial People's Hospital will grasp the development opportunities of the 5G era, further explore the application scenarios of big data, artificial intelligence, 5G and other cutting-edge technologies in the medical field, improve the overall effectiveness of medical services, and promote the development and model reconstruction of the health service system.

Ming Wei, general manager of China Mobile Communications Group Guangdong Co. Ltd. said that China Mobile Communications Group Guangdong Co. Ltd., as the main force of the new 5G infrastructure, has achieved sustained and steady development, built 64,000 5G base stations, accounting for more than 50% of the province total and created a quality 5G network with the largest scale and best quality in the country. The number of 5G customers exceeded 30 million, household broadband customers exceeded 17 million, and TV customers exceeded 12 million. China Mobile Communications Group Guangdong Co. Ltd. and Guangdong Provincial People's Hospital maintain close cooperation, and under the guidance and support of the Industry and Information Technology Department of Guangdong, Guangdong Commission of Health, and other government sectors, have worked together to create a series of innovative applications such as 5G Internet hospital, 5G remote medical treatment, 5G emergency treatment and first-aid, 5G intelligent ward, and image cloud service, and set a benchmark for 5G application demonstration hospitals. Next, China Mobile Communications Group Guangdong Co. Ltd. will give full play to the advantages of 5G+AICDE, information platform and other digital and intelligent capabilities to fully support the construction of “5G+WITMED”. Firstly, we will strengthen the foundation of new 5G infrastructure and promote the reconstruction of medical facilities to be digital, networked and intelligent. Secondly, we will make every effort to build “5G+WITMED”, accelerate the digital and intelligent application and innovation in the fields of medicine, education, research and management, and build a precise, efficient and convenient “5G+WITMED” system in an all-round manner. Thirdly, we will work together to carry out innovation cooperation, give full play to the advantages of scientific research and technology of both sides, explore and jointly build the innovation laboratory, and actively carry out the integrated application and innovation of 5G, big data, artificial intelligence and other technologies in the medical field.

Online: Build an Industrial Benchmarking 5G Hospital, and Create a Wisdom Hub in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area

In 2019, Guangdong Provincial People's Hospital took the initiative to integrate into the Healthy China Strategy and the new 5G infrastructure wave, and started the exploration and practice to be a 5G smart hospital. On March 9, 2019, Guangdong Provincial People’s Hospital joined hands with China Mobile Communications Group Guangdong Co. Ltd. to create the first government-led 5G application demonstration hospital in China. Now, with the help of the Internet, Guangdong Provincial People's Hospital sets a benchmark for the medical industry, realizes the quality and efficiency enhancement of medical services, and contributes to the vigorous promotion of Guangdong wisdom, Guangdong solutions and Guangdong experience with its own standard to build itself into a wisdom hub radiating to the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.

3D Hospital History Museum: 5G + Historical Sedimentation Create New Experience in an Immersive Space

Staying fairness in innovation and practicing earnestly to win through. The online 3D digital hospital history museum is an innovative fusion of the 3D technology and the cultural sedimentation of Guangdong Provincial People’s Hospital, which is an inevitable trend with the development of times. As the first 3D digital hospital history museum using original depth space technology in China, Guangdong Provincial People’s Hospital breaks the traditional exhibition method of physical museums. Visitors may appreciate the profound history and planning development of Guangdong Provincial People’s Hospital in the palm of their hands.

The official “inauguration” of the 3D digital hospital history museum is an important strategic step in the transformation and upgrading of the Guangdong Provincial People's Hospital to be informationalized and intelligent. The three-dimensional spatial design extending from the hospital's emblem carries the monumental image and spirit of Guangdong Provincial People's Hospital, that is, social commitment and sincere master of Chinese medicine. The 3D and VR technology will help the Guangdong Provincial People's Hospital show the historical development, cultural heritage and the microcosms of medical education and scientific research achievements in a more stereoscopic manner.

New 5G Internet Hospital: Convenient for the People and Beneficial to the Elderly, Starting New Exploration of the New Internet Hospital

Wisdom upgrade empowers new medical applications. As one of the first Internet hospitals in Guangdong Province, Guangdong Provincial People’s Hospital adheres to its mission and purpose of “People First, Health First” and joins hands with China Mobile Communications Group Guangdong Co. Ltd. to build the first Internet hospital in China that integrates the capability of China Mobile 5G touch products, and take the lead in building an online platform for doctor-patient applications through 5G industry messages. At the meeting, the guests witnessed the important moment when the “new 5G Internet hospital” was completed at the Guangdong Provincial People’s Hospital.

It is reported that the new 5G Internet hospital in operation will build the panoramic ecology of interconnected, collaborative, intelligent and accurate Internet medical treatment by virtue of its characteristic diagnosis and treatment big data service capability. For patients, it will create a whole process of intelligent medical treatment to enhance patients' experience with diversified forms of consultation, and protect the health and well-being of the people with integrated innovative services consisting of dynamic health data detection and intelligent warning; for medical staff, it will create intelligent workstations to achieve diversified forms of reception, intelligent diagnosis and treatment assistance, and zero-distance communication between doctors and patients by online consultation with photos and texts; for hospital managers, the integrated platform will enable all-round visibility, management, control, “intelligent follow-up”, and other functions to help refine the operation.

According to China Mobile Communications Group Guangdong Co. Ltd, the home page and primary services of the Internet hospital will be turned into SMS messages with links and actively sent to patients through 5G industry messages. The patients can get access to the services provided by experts of Guangdong Provincial People’s Hospital such as consultation with photos and texts, online subsequent consultation, prescription and delivery by clicking on the links, without the need to download or follow. This is conducive to providing more intimate and direct medical services for the elderly.

Besides, the new 5G Internet hospital has achieved full coverage over the terminal channels. Through online channels such as official account/mini-program, 5G industry messages, mobile app, IPTV Health Channel of Guangdong Provincial People’s Hospital, and doctor’s homepage, quality services of the new 5G Internet hospital can efficiently cover hundreds of millions of people and millions of families in urban and rural areas in the province, realizing the real implementation of the new 5G Internet hospital.

Offline: Build an Integrated 5G Smart Hospital and Empower the Healthy China Movement

“The 14th Five-Year Plan” period is a critical period for the development of digital health. With modern information technologies such as cloud computing, big data, Internet, 5G and artificial intelligence being huge driving forces for the development, the networked and intelligent facilities and solutions are accelerating their integration into the medical treatment scenarios. The great practice of 5G smart hospitals and intelligent results will help empower the construction of Healthy China.

The Most Dazzling Intelligent Group: UAVs + Robots, Focusing on the New Integration of Intelligent Elements

The intelligent collaboration of WITMED UAVs, intelligent patrol/logistics robots and other products and applications demonstrates the remarkable achievements of Guangdong Provincial People’s Hospital to build a smart hospital and is a powerful tool for the construction of the medical service system.

According to the introduction, the UAVs have a maximum speed of 65km/h and carry a maximum weight of 15kg. In the future, under the organic adjustment of medical resource allocation, the intelligent group will build a three-dimensional comprehensive medical intelligent network in the ground and air for the delivery of blood, sample testing, pathological section, emergency drugs, surgical supplies and other medical materials. It will effectively form an efficient collaboration between the hospital and allied units and further improve the efficiency and capacity of medical services.

Smart Hospital Exhibition Center: AR + VR+ Multi-screen Interaction, Exploring New Mode of Intelligent Display

On that day, Xiaohong Yang, vice president of Guangdong Provincial People's Hospital, and Huiying Liang, director of Information Department led the guests into the smart hospital exhibition center, where cutting-edge technology applications such as IoT medical treatment, medical treatment big data, 5G remote medical treatment, information security, 5G live surgery, etc., are on display.

Here, visitors can get a unique impression the moment they enter. The linked cool lighting and regional sound effects will focus visitors' attention on the “hospital culture” video, which touches on the cultural deposits and historical inheritance of Guangdong Provincial People's Hospital. In addition, through the multimedia interactive inquiry system, visitors may get a deep understanding of the great virtue of Guangdong Provincial People’s Hospital.

With the support of big data of China Mobile Communications Group Guangdong Co. Ltd, the management information center system, in the form of a cockpit, visually reflects key indicators of hospital operation with various graphs, and allows early warning, mining and analysis of abnormal key indicators. As a powerful decision-making tool, the president’s cockpit builds a scientific evaluation system for Guangdong Provincial People's Hospital with its intuition, flexibility in configuration, comprehensiveness and multi-dimensionality, contributing to efficient management and accurate decision-making of the hospital.

Impressively, guests could take a group photo through AR at the end of the tour and get the photo on their mobile phones, thus sharing the smart hospital achievements of Guangdong Provincial People’s Hospital in real time and further expanding its influence.

Improve County-level Medical Capacity and Benefit the Masses

From the first cardiac surgery case in China and the world's first smart peritoneal dialysis center in the major aspect to the navigation mini-program that brings convenience to patients in the minor aspect, all of these are important parts of the smart hospital construction. To further address the uneven distribution of medical resources and promote the sharing of medical resources to rural and remote areas by means of technological advancement, Guangdong Provincial People's Hospital has also launched 5G remote live group consultation to achieve timely communication and real-time instruction.

A story happened on January 25, 2021, the third day Ming Fang, chief physician of Guangdong Provincial People’s Hospital, became the president of Fogang County People's Hospital. A 5-year-old boy was injured and suffered from traumatic shock, pelvic fracture and pulmonary contusion caused by a falling fence under which he was hanging out when the accident happened. As the boy's seroperitoneum gradually increased, President Fang requested an immediate enhanced CT and vascular reconstruction of his abdomen, which showed a rupture of the right internal iliac artery. Through telephone and WeChat, President Fang contacted several experts from relevant disciplines at Guangdong Provincial People’s Hospital, organized a hospital-wide group consultation, decisively refused his family's request for transfer to another hospital, and properly treated the ruptured vessel through emergency operation, making the child out of danger.

The 5G smart hospital built by Guangdong Provincial People's Hospital enables the doctors to understand the real-time conditions of patients thousands of miles away, read their image and testing data, develop diagnosis and treatment plans, and even instruct surgery from a distance through the remote consultation system. At present, the remote system between Fogang County People's Hospital and Guangdong Provincial People's Hospital has taken shape. Diagnosis and treatment decisions like that of the boy used to take President Fang 3 hours to communicate by phone and make a decision through in-hospital group consultation, but now it can be completed in just a moment, which greatly enhances the health security of grassroots people and allows the Fogang people “to not go out of the town to see a doctor in case of serious illness”.

It is reported that in the future, Guangdong Provincial People's Hospital will also focus on WITMED services, information interconnection and sharing, medical big data mining, whole-process closed-loop medical management, mobile medical treatment, family health, new infrastructure empowering medical treatment alliances, and other key areas in key construction and continuous improvement, remain true to its original aspiration, bear in mind the grand mission, and continue to explore intensively and advance diligently to be safer, more efficient and warmer.